The name of the Federation shall be THE NORTH & EAST MIDLANDS PHOTOGRAPHIC FEDERATION and shall be referred to hereinafter as “the Federation”. N&EMPF shall be an accepted reference to the Federation
The name of the Federation shall be THE NORTH & EAST MIDLANDS PHOTOGRAPHIC FEDERATION and shall be referred to hereinafter as “the Federation”. N&EMPF shall be an accepted reference to the Federation
N&EMPF is a member of the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB) and can use the sub-title “Member of the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain”.
Clubs belonging to N&EMPF may use the sub-title “Affiliated to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain through membership of N&EMPF”.
N&EMPF is a member of the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB) and can use the sub-title “Member of the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain”.
Clubs belonging to N&EMPF may use the sub-title “Affiliated to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain through membership of N&EMPF”.
a. Membership is confined to the counties of Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire, also the Clubs situated on, or near, the boundaries of those counties by agreement with the Federation covering the County in which the Club is situated.
b. Membership of N&EMPF shall be open to all photographic clubs/societies (Clubs) whose constitution is approved by a majority vote of the N&EMPF Executive Committee.
c. N&EMPF uses the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain definition of a Club to enable the Club to be affiliated to the PAGB through its membership of N&EMPF. See PAGB website for definition.
a. Membership is confined to the counties of Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire, also the Clubs situated on, or near, the boundaries of those counties by agreement with the Federation covering the County in which the Club is situated.
b. Membership of N&EMPF shall be open to all photographic clubs/societies (Clubs) whose constitution is approved by a majority vote of the N&EMPF Executive Committee.
c. N&EMPF uses the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain definition of a Club to enable the Club to be affiliated to the PAGB through its membership of N&EMPF. See PAGB website for definition.
The objective of N&EMPF shall be the advancement of photography in all its aspects. In particular:
a. To provide Judges, Lecturers, Portfolios and other services for the benefit of the Member Clubs and where possible to Clubs in other Federations.
b. To organise, or join in, Photographic Competitions, Exhibitions, Seminars and Lectures in the area.
c. To maintain an archive of photographs and supporting information of N&EMPF.
The objective of N&EMPF shall be the advancement of photography in all its aspects. In particular:
a. To provide Judges, Lecturers, Portfolios and other services for the benefit of the Member Clubs and where possible to Clubs in other Federations.
b. To organise, or join in, Photographic Competitions, Exhibitions, Seminars and Lectures in the area.
c. To maintain an archive of photographs and supporting information of N&EMPF.
Each Member Club of N&EMPF is entitled to appoint from its members:
2 delegates for a membership of up to and including 50, or
3 delegates for a membership exceeding 50.
These delegates shall represent the Member Clubs at Annual General Meetings or Special General Meetings of N&EMPF. Changes in Delegates and Deputies must be notified in writing to the N&EMPF Hon. General Secretary prior to any such meetings.
All members of the Federation Clubs shall have the right to attend any General Meetings of the Federation but only Delegates and Members of the Executive shall have power to vote at such meetings.
Each Member Club of N&EMPF is entitled to appoint from its members:
2 delegates for a membership of up to and including 50, or
3 delegates for a membership exceeding 50.
These delegates shall represent the Member Clubs at Annual General Meetings or Special General Meetings of N&EMPF. Changes in Delegates and Deputies must be notified in writing to the N&EMPF Hon. General Secretary prior to any such meetings.
All members of the Federation Clubs shall have the right to attend any General Meetings of the Federation but only Delegates and Members of the Executive shall have power to vote at such meetings.
a. The business of the Federation shall be conducted by an Executive Committee, elected at the Annual General Meeting, comprising the Officers, Executive Members and Ordinary Members representing, as far as possible, different areas in the Federation.
b. The Officers shall consist of the President, a Vice-President, Immediate Past President, Hon General Secretary and Hon. Treasurer.
c. Executive Members shall consist of the Minutes Secretary and the following Section Secretaries: Alliance Competition, Archivist/Portfolio, Audio Visual Competition, Awards Officer, Data Manager, Directory, Events, Exhibition, Judges and Lecturers, Newsletter, Website and a Member of the Alliance Executive.
d. Six Ordinary Members also form part of the Executive Committee.
e. The Executive Committee may fill any vacancy among the Officers (other than President and Vice President). It shall have the power to co-opt not more than two members of Clubs as members, such co-opted members shall have the full rights as elected members.
f. The Executive Committee shall have power to appoint Sub-Committees to carry out the work of the Federation. The President, Treasurer, Hon General Secretary and Vice-President shall be ex-officio members of each Sub-Committee.
g. All members of the Executive must be members of N&EMPF Clubs.
h. Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held at such time and place as the Committee decide and five members shall form a quorum.
i. If the President is unable to fulfil their duties responsibility shall automatically pass to the Vice-President.
a. The business of the Federation shall be conducted by an Executive Committee, elected at the Annual General Meeting, comprising the Officers, Executive Members and Ordinary Members representing, as far as possible, different areas in the Federation.
b. The Officers shall consist of the President, a Vice-President, Immediate Past President, Hon General Secretary and Hon. Treasurer.
c. Executive Members shall consist of the Minutes Secretary and the following Section Secretaries: Alliance Competition, Archivist/Portfolio, Audio Visual Competition, Awards Officer, Data Manager, Directory, Events, Exhibition, Judges and Lecturers, Newsletter, Website and a Member of the Alliance Executive.
d. Six Ordinary Members also form part of the Executive Committee.
e. The Executive Committee may fill any vacancy among the Officers (other than President and Vice President). It shall have the power to co-opt not more than two members of Clubs as members, such co-opted members shall have the full rights as elected members.
f. The Executive Committee shall have power to appoint Sub-Committees to carry out the work of the Federation. The President, Treasurer, Hon General Secretary and Vice-President shall be ex-officio members of each Sub-Committee.
g. All members of the Executive must be members of N&EMPF Clubs.
h. Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held at such time and place as the Committee decide and five members shall form a quorum.
i. If the President is unable to fulfil their duties responsibility shall automatically pass to the Vice-President.
a. The Executive Committee may make nominations for the Officers of President, Vice President, Hon. General Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Minutes Secretary, Section Secretaries and Member of the Alliance Executive. The names of the persons so nominated shall be circulated to Societies not less than 21 days before the Annual General Meeting.
b. Nominations for the six ordinary members of the Executive Committee shall be signed by at least two members of nominees Club. The nominee’s consent shall accompany all such nominations.
c. Any N&EMPF Club may nominate candidates for all Officers and Executive Members and Ordinary Members of the Executive Committee; such nominations shall be sent in writing to the Secretary not less than three weeks before the Annual General Meeting.
d. All Officers, Executive Members and Ordinary Members are elected annually at the AGM. No person shall hold the office of President for more than two consecutive years.
a. The Executive Committee may make nominations for the Officers of President, Vice President, Hon. General Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Minutes Secretary, Section Secretaries and Member of the Alliance Executive. The names of the persons so nominated shall be circulated to Societies not less than 21 days before the Annual General Meeting.
b. Nominations for the six ordinary members of the Executive Committee shall be signed by at least two members of nominees Club. The nominee’s consent shall accompany all such nominations.
c. Any N&EMPF Club may nominate candidates for all Officers and Executive Members and Ordinary Members of the Executive Committee; such nominations shall be sent in writing to the Secretary not less than three weeks before the Annual General Meeting.
d. All Officers, Executive Members and Ordinary Members are elected annually at the AGM. No person shall hold the office of President for more than two consecutive years.
a. Annual General Meeting
An Annual General Meeting shall be held each year in March. The meeting shall:
i. Receive a report from the Executive Committee on the activities of the previous calendar year
ii. Receive a financial report from the Executive Committee including the accounts for the year ended on the previous December 31st
iii. Set the subscription rate for the following year starting 1st January
iv. Elect the new Executive Committee
v. Appoint an Auditor
vi. Conduct other business included on the Agenda
The Meetings shall be convened by at least 21 days’ notice in writing addressed to each Club Secretary. Such meetings shall be held at a time and place within the Federation’s area as the Executive Committee may direct, or failing such direction, as the President and Secretary may decide. Club Secretaries are required to inform their N&EMPF delegates of the Meetings and discuss any items on the Agenda.
At such meetings twelve shall form a quorum this is inclusive of Executive members.
b. Special General Meetings
A Special General Meeting shall be convened at any time on the requisition in writing signed by not less than four Delegates representing four Federation Clubs, stating the purpose for which the meeting is required. Such meetings shall be convened within 28 days of the receipt of the requisition.
c. Casting Vote
At all General and Executive meetings of the Federation the President shall have the casting vote.
d. Alteration of Constitution
The Constitution shall not be altered except at the Annual General Meeting or at, a Special General Meeting called for the purpose. Four weeks’ notice must be given to the Secretary in writing stating the proposed alteration.
a. Annual General Meeting
An Annual General Meeting shall be held each year in March. The meeting shall:
i. Receive a report from the Executive Committee on the activities of the previous calendar year
ii. Receive a financial report from the Executive Committee including the accounts for the year ended on the previous December 31st
iii. Set the subscription rate for the following year starting 1st January
iv. Elect the new Executive Committee
v. Appoint an Auditor
vi. Conduct other business included on the Agenda
The Meetings shall be convened by at least 21 days’ notice in writing addressed to each Club Secretary. Such meetings shall be held at a time and place within the Federation’s area as the Executive Committee may direct, or failing such direction, as the President and Secretary may decide. Club Secretaries are required to inform their N&EMPF delegates of the Meetings and discuss any items on the Agenda.
At such meetings twelve shall form a quorum this is inclusive of Executive members.
b. Special General Meetings
A Special General Meeting shall be convened at any time on the requisition in writing signed by not less than four Delegates representing four Federation Clubs, stating the purpose for which the meeting is required. Such meetings shall be convened within 28 days of the receipt of the requisition.
c. Casting Vote
At all General and Executive meetings of the Federation the President shall have the casting vote.
d. Alteration of Constitution
The Constitution shall not be altered except at the Annual General Meeting or at, a Special General Meeting called for the purpose. Four weeks’ notice must be given to the Secretary in writing stating the proposed alteration.
a. The rates of the Annual Subscription, for every club within N&EMPF, shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting and such rates shall come into force at the beginning of the next financial year.
b. The membership of a N&EMPF Club shall be deemed to have lapsed should that Club’s subscription not be paid by the 28th February of the year in respect of which such subscription was due.
c. For the protection of judges and lecturers when visiting societies, as well as your own members, all Federated Societies shall hold a current Third Party and Public Liability Insurance policy with a minimum cover of £5 million in respect of any one incident, with unlimited liability in any one period of insurance. Members may take out a policy through the Federations brokers to obtain the negotiated rated. When using other brokers, proof of policy is to be submitted to the Secretary.
a. The rates of the Annual Subscription, for every club within N&EMPF, shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting and such rates shall come into force at the beginning of the next financial year.
b. The membership of a N&EMPF Club shall be deemed to have lapsed should that Club’s subscription not be paid by the 28th February of the year in respect of which such subscription was due.
c. For the protection of judges and lecturers when visiting societies, as well as your own members, all Federated Societies shall hold a current Third Party and Public Liability Insurance policy with a minimum cover of £5 million in respect of any one incident, with unlimited liability in any one period of insurance. Members may take out a policy through the Federations brokers to obtain the negotiated rated. When using other brokers, proof of policy is to be submitted to the Secretary.
The Financial Year shall be the Calendar Year. A Statement of Income and Expenditure shall be presented at each Annual General Meeting, or any Executive meeting at the request of the Executive. The Annual Statement shall be subject to independent verification by the Federation accounts examiner.
The Financial Year shall be the Calendar Year. A Statement of Income and Expenditure shall be presented at each Annual General Meeting, or any Executive meeting at the request of the Executive. The Annual Statement shall be subject to independent verification by the Federation accounts examiner.
The Executive Committee shall have power from time to time to nominate Life Vice-Presidents for election at the Annual General Meeting. The persons to be elected, as Life Vice-Presidents shall be subscribing or Honorary Members of a N&EMPF Club and their election shall be for Meritorious Service to the Federation.
Any person elected, as a Life Vice-President, shall not be subject to re-election annually. They will be entitled to attend and vote at all Executive Committee meetings and Federation General and Special Meetings.
The Executive Committee shall have power from time to time to nominate Life Vice-Presidents for election at the Annual General Meeting. The persons to be elected, as Life Vice-Presidents shall be subscribing or Honorary Members of a N&EMPF Club and their election shall be for Meritorious Service to the Federation.
Any person elected, as a Life Vice-President, shall not be subject to re-election annually. They will be entitled to attend and vote at all Executive Committee meetings and Federation General and Special Meetings.
In each year the Executive Committee shall use its best endeavours to arrange and finance a lecture as a memorial to past members who have given outstanding service to the Federation
In each year the Executive Committee shall use its best endeavours to arrange and finance a lecture as a memorial to past members who have given outstanding service to the Federation
a. The Federation may be dissolved by the members at a Special Meeting but the notice of such a meeting shall be a minimum of 28 days and the resolution shall only be deemed passed if more than three quarters of the votes cast are in favour.
b. In the event of the dissolution of the Federation, any surplus assets shall be transferred to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain to be held in trust and available at the discretion of the Executive Committee of the said Alliance for the benefit of any photographic federation, which may be created in the area, formerly covered by the Federation. In the event of the Alliance not wishing the funds or being unable to accept them, the funds to which they would have been entitled shall be paid to a charitable organisation nominated by the retiring Executive.
a. The Federation may be dissolved by the members at a Special Meeting but the notice of such a meeting shall be a minimum of 28 days and the resolution shall only be deemed passed if more than three quarters of the votes cast are in favour.
b. In the event of the dissolution of the Federation, any surplus assets shall be transferred to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain to be held in trust and available at the discretion of the Executive Committee of the said Alliance for the benefit of any photographic federation, which may be created in the area, formerly covered by the Federation. In the event of the Alliance not wishing the funds or being unable to accept them, the funds to which they would have been entitled shall be paid to a charitable organisation nominated by the retiring Executive.
As amended at the General Meetings held on the following dates:
27th February 1956, 13th October 1956, 23rd March 1957, 21st March 1959, 12th March 1960, 19th March 1973, 6th March 1976, 15th March 1980, 10th March 1984, 9th March 1985, 10th October 1987, 8th March 1992, 7th March 1999, 13th March 2005, 10th March 2013, 11th May 2014, 12th March 2017, 13th March 2022
27th February 1956, 13th October 1956, 23rd March 1957, 21st March 1959, 12th March 1960, 19th March 1973, 6th March 1976, 15th March 1980, 10th March 1984, 9th March 1985, 10th October 1987, 8th March 1992, 7th March 1999, 13th March 2005, 10th March 2013, 11th May 2014, 12th March 2017, 13th March 2022
During the course of 2016 the Federation reviewed its constitution. The review was undertaken in three parts:
Stage 1 – COMPLETED June 2016
Stage 2 – COMPLETED AND APPROVED at the October Executive Meeting 2016
Stage 3 – COMPLETED AND APPROVED at the December Executive Meeting 2016
Apart from a complete new “look and structure” of the constitution the following were the key changes:-
The constitution was approved at the AGM on 12th March 2017.
Stage 1 – COMPLETED June 2016
- Identification of headings under which to structure the existing constitution
- Allocate existing constitution rules/paragraphs to a possible heading WITHOUT changing any content
- Recommend changing some terminology for simplicity or improvement of understanding
Stage 2 – COMPLETED AND APPROVED at the October Executive Meeting 2016
- Revise wording/content of Constitution to reflect headings agreed in Stage 1
Stage 3 – COMPLETED AND APPROVED at the December Executive Meeting 2016
- To review the structure and format of the Executive to meet the ongoing needs of the Federation.
Apart from a complete new “look and structure” of the constitution the following were the key changes:-
- Consolidation of the roles of Social Secretary and Conference Secretary into one new role – Events Secretary
- Consolidation of the roles of Archivist and Portfolio into a single role – Archivist/Portfolio Secretary
- Reduce the number of Ordinary members from 8 to 6
- Membership of a N&EMPF Club shall be deemed to have lapsed if not paid by 28th February of the year in respect of which such subscription was due. (changed from 31st March)
The constitution was approved at the AGM on 12th March 2017.
Prior to the 2022 AGM the Federation had cause to propose the following further amendments:
The constitution was approved at the AGM on 13th March 2022.
- Reduction of number of Vice-Presidents from two to one.
- Introduction of the following Section Secretaries: Audio Visual Competition; Data Manager
- Replacement of final sentence of clause 9.c ("This policy may be taken out through the Federation or proof of its existence to be provided to the Treasurer with the payment of subscriptions.") with "Members may take out a policy through the Federations brokers to obtain the negotiated rated. When using other brokers, proof of policy is to be submitted to the Secretary."
- Replacement of 'Federation auditor' with 'Federation accounts examiner' in clause 10.
The constitution was approved at the AGM on 13th March 2022.