Last year N&EMPF conducted a survey of clubs to find out what you wanted the Federation to prioritise and invited club reps to make suggestions for improvements in the service. Unsurprisingly, one of the most common requests was for a good supply of high quality judges. The need for higher calibre judges is understandable and your Federation has spent the last year developing a number of initiatives to meet that requirement. In particular we have:
We are now about to embark on this new personal development scheme for judges and we need your help. One of the most critical aspects of helping a judge to develop is an informed understanding of their current performance. In future, Judge Assessment Forms will be a critical element of judge development and feature strongly in a new Judge Accreditation Scheme which judges can choose to take part in. Our research told us that some clubs don’t currently fill in these forms as they believe they are not used. I can reassure you that from now on, these forms will be used – and this will be done as part of a sensitive and constructive dialogue with individual judges to help them manage their development.
So, we are asking every club that gets the benefit of a N&EMPF judge to complete an Assessment Form for every competition event. We have updated the Judge Assessment Form and we ask that it is completed with objectivity and thought, ideally by 2 appropriately experienced club representatives. Every form returned will be acknowledged and will be collated with other forms and then used to help individual judges with their personal development. The judge's assessment form is easy to complete and can be found on the N&EMPF website. The scheme starts immediately but if you wish, you can complete forms for any judges that have visited your club since September 2022. Please do action this request – clubs want better judges and judges want to do all they can to provide the best possible service to clubs. It’s a ‘win-win’ situation and with your help we can deliver it for everyone. Thank you. Carol McNiven Young Judges and Lecturers Secretary Comments are closed.
December 2024